
Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
jessica usera (Flushing, US)
Walking with confidence!

The Carex Walker Glides have given me a sense of confidence when I take my walks. The round bottom portion makes it easier to navigate the walker, and the fact that when I stop, and lean back a bit, they act as a brake. These are the best Walker products ever!

Lois Langguth (Barre, US)
Walker auto glides

I love these glides and have them on my two walkers. The ability to “brake” has been a great help when navigating a hill. I ordered several pairs because they were out of stock for a while. A very popular product, I guess.

Hey Lois,

Thank you for taking the time to share your positive experience with the glides!

It's great to hear that they have been helpful to you when navigating hills and that you have found them to be a valuable addition to both of your walkers. We're sorry to hear that they were out of stock for a while, but we're glad to know that they are a popular product.

Thank you for your continued support and we hope that the glides continue to provide you with the assistance you need.


These are the only glides that do not damage my floors or make a lot of noise....I live on the 2nd floor. I have been trying everywhere!!! to locate these, but they are sold out everywhere!!!


I saw another review that reflects my opinion also - quite simply THESE ARE THE BEST WALKER GLIDES AVAILABLE PERIOD. Please advise me when they are available. I used to order them on the amaz…. site but they haven’t been available since the start of the pandemic. I found one site that was price gouging (over $40 vs $12) a while back but don’t even see that now.


I found these glides in 2018 and they are the best thing ever invented for walkers in my opinion.
I have been on a walker since 2017 and no glides seemed to be able to handle various flooring without causing issues.

I came across these and OMG these are Heaven sent made walking on concrete and other various flooring so easy with no effort. Love the press down for braking if necessary.
I moved to PA and noticed seniors and disabled people on walkers having issues walking with concerns. I gave them these Glides and they were so thankful the Glides made their struggle of walking easier.

I am grateful , I was able to assist and give several people these Awesome gliders so they can move about like me easily and safely.

I purchased 20 boxes so in 2019 , I would always have them on hand. Unfortunately I am on my last pair and in need of new ones and have been unsuccessful in finding them.

Can you please assist me and advise when they will become available. WIll it be possible to purchase these Awesome Glides from you directly?

Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.

Joyce Lombardi

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