
Resources — Sleep

A woman stretching in bed

How to Sleep for Better Posture

Do you wake up each morning with back or neck pain? What do you attribute this to? It is not necessarily a case of sleeping poorly or old age as you might think. Instead, you possibly don't maintain a good posture (proper spinal alignment while sleeping).

Poor posture while sleeping can result in increased tension, disrupted sleep, and poor blood circulation. This can lead to back, shoulder, and neck pain the following morning. Sadly, this pain can last all day and might even lead to chronic pain in the future.

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A graphic of a woman using a knee pillow. Text, "How to Use a Knee Pillow"

How to Use a Knee Pillow

Sleep is one of the essential facets of leading a healthy and fulfilling life. Adequate amounts of sleep (7 to 9 hours per night) allow us to stay physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. If you struggle with pain, your sleep quality may be at risk. Sleep and pain don’t mix, making it essential to relieve pain for a good night’s rest. One method of doing so is via support cushions such as knee pillows. This guide will explain what a knee pillow is, the uses and benefits of sleeping with a pillow between your legs, how to use a pillow between your knees, and more.

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A graphic showing two clocks during night and day. Text, "30 ways to restore your circadian rhythm"

30 Tips on How to Restore Circadian Rhythm

According to the Sleep Foundation, getting at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night is crucial for our physical and mental health. Yet, for some, sleep is a privilege. If you or someone you know does not get adequate sleep or has difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, try some of the tips below to help improve your circadian clock.

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